Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MCC is short for Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Doesn't sound as serious either when you don't have to say cancer. On March 12, Rilla and I went to UAB to see Dr. Cohen for blood tests, chest xrays and discuss options for treatment of the Merkel Cell. We took a copy of the protocol from the google group site for MCC survivors. He didn't look at it long but he did look, then researched online and found out how serious it was. He then made some phone calls and found out I need to go directly to the oncologist, Dr. Urist. an app was set up for 3/19. just didn't know if i could wait that long. when i called to find out more or if i could see him early, no luck. the 3/19 app would just be consultation. meantime we went home and kept researching and i kept reading the posts on the group about Dr. Nghiem. On my drive to atl on 3/13 i took the leap and called and talked to a wonderful young man named Dawson. he took all my history, then asked my goal to which i responded "to get this cancer off and out of my body as soon as possible". he said he would have Dr. Iyer or Dr. Nghiem. Dr. Iyer called within the wonderful to know there were doctors who were taking this seriously. she did say app was avail on 3/16, if i was interested. IN SEATTLE. yes, no second thoughts, i wanted to do this but also did not want to over react. i just decided to call it vigilance!! also to save my life! all weekend i enjoyed the girls at the ballet recital. while napping in the afternoon on 3/14. Dr. Nghiem called to be sure all my questions had been answered. That did it..he called on a Saturday!!! He wanted to help me save my life. I then talked to my daughter Rilla and told her I had decided to go to Seattle . That was on Sunday that I told her. She said she would go with me. On early monday, i called to take the appointment and was in Dr. Nghiem on 3/17! he spent at least two hours answering all our questions (Michael was on the phone), a very positive app about early detection and action being necessary. he arranged app for me to see Dr. Peter Neligan, the surgeon on 3/18. It was happening! I was going to get this cancer cut out! I was elated. on the 18th all the pre op tests were done. on 3/19 the mapping of the lymph nodes was tried but no luck there. they would just look for the lymph nodes during the surgery. at 6;45 pm. i went to surgery. yes, i was an add on appt but it was worth the wait. We got back to the hotel at midnight. Courtyard Marriott. Rilla was just an angel and it was so wonderful having her there.

on 3/20, rilla just had to get back with her family and i stayed to recoup from the surgery until Sunday. i flew back to atl on sunday 3/22, rested more, then drove back to bham on 3/24. felt soooooo relieved. remember 3/19 was to be the consult.with Dr. Urist and on 3/19 i was having the surgery. so wonderful,, such a blesssing. i then had to wait until 4/1 to see dr. urist. then the rad onc on 4/7. xrt started 4/13.

it's bedtime now but ill complete and continue the story soon!!

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