Sunday, July 6, 2008

July Fourth weekend

Rilla, Sara, and Katie arrived about lunchtime on the 3rd! Torie was here and Sara was really excited about that. I cooked a roast with all the fixins' along with fresh fried squash, crowder peas, corn on the cob, tomatoes, cucumbers, mac and cheese and corn bread with home made banana pudding for dinner! Dan and Nelda whom I have known from my old Irondale neighborhood were able to come over for dinner too to meet the girls! We had so much fun!

On July 4th we went to Rita and Bob's house for the traditional July 4th celebration ! The food and pool was wonderful but having all the family together was even better! We stayed until late afternoon and had leftovers for dinner!

July 5th they all left for Pell City to visit with Papa and GG on the lake and ride in their new boat!

I started a project of organizing my bathroom! Man I could open a store! Almost finished and even managed to get two bags of clothes from my closet for Goodwill during the process! It feels "lighter" in the house already!

Well the end of a great celebration is coming to and end and I'll be back at work in a.m. It was good to watch IN Touch today with Newt Gingrich with a wonderful message about the true meaning of July 4th and all the hardships and struggles our forefathers endured and our responsibility to continue upholding the Godly values and morals on which America was built and what our forefathers foresaw! God Bless America!

Sara's Three!

Hard to believe Sara Finley is already three! Mother and Torie were able to travel to Atlanta with me to go to the birthday party at The Jumping Bean in Atlanta! What fun! Even though my foot was hurt I enjoyed the slide and jumped some before all the crowds arrived! It was a very busy day as Rilla had a small garage sale from 7 to 9 a.m. the day of the party on June 21st! what a worker bee she is!
Katie (17 months) was right in there with the big kids and really enjoyed exploring and playing at the Jumping Bean and with Torie and Sara!

After an afternoon rest we all packed up in the van and went to Fox Bros BBQ for a great bday dinner! yummy veggies!

Torie and Sara and even Katie loved playing dress up over the weekend! They played so hard and slept so good!

The morning of the 22nd Mother Torie and I traveled back to the Shoals from Atlanta and I drove to Waynesboro for Uncle Artha Hayes funneral. He was 81 and had been sick for over a year. I then drove back to Mother's house, took her to Shoney's to eat for her Birthday (81) on the 25th of June! I then drove back to Birmingham getting in bed by 11:30! Whew what a weekend!

Loved it all!